The committee is led by Chair James Millidge with Steve Jackson (Treasurer), David Landers (Secretary), Tim Fleckney (Vice Chair), Gerith Eden (Fundraising), Linda Davidson (Fundraising) and Sarah Martin (Media and PR).
All live along the route or use it on a regular basis.

Objectives of Safe38
1. To demand improvements to the existing road in the short-term.
2. To campaign for the delivery of a high quality A38 in Cornwall.
3. To reflect the interests of local communities throughout the possible road improvement areas ensuring that the A38 trunk road is made safer and ‘fit for purpose’.
4. To represent the views and interests of the Organisation regarding the A38 trunk road to national government, local elected councils, Highways England and other interested bodies.
5. To raise awareness of the health issues associated with poor air quality and to campaign for actions to tackle air pollution particularly in areas already designated as Air Quality Management Areas.
6. To assist in the improvement of communication in the widest sense with relation to the A38 trunk road and its upgrade to expressway standard throughout its length within Cornwall.